Monday, September 13, 2010

Its ok measuring things is not an exact science.

Besides if this keeps up, I should be able to fit back into size 36 jeans.

Apparently stores have now gone full blown to vanity sizing. A size 36 waist might measure 44, if you use a tape measure. A size 38 might measure 47 as the crow flies.

I thought things had gotten bad with the "relaxed" pants, and the stretchable pants. But this has gone beyond ridiculous. I know my size, and I hate shopping. I want to be able to go in, glance at the size and get out.

This is almost as bad as some of the measurements in the global warming scandal in England. Where they used fuzzy measurements. That's what this is, fuzzy measurements. Worse its fuzzy feel good measurements, where we inject emotion to make ourselves feel good. Yes, they bumped the temperature up, and eliminated the medieval warm period. But it was for a good cause, and would help solve things.

Measure twice cut once is clearly out. Now its measure twice, and apply fuzzy logic and emotion. After all we need to shield people from the cold harsh reality. It is for their own good. People are fragile, and can't handle the truth. It's like those sunglasses that Zaphod Beeblebrox, used in the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.

Lies for our own good. Sunglasses that will go totally black, to block out anything that might cause us alarm. But that's ok, because we have fearless leaders who will look at the world for us.

The partially sighted leading the blind. Yes partially sighted because our leaders will probably be blinded by their own ideology. We will be lead unknowingly off a cliff. The emperor will continue to have no clothes because, all the little children will be blind.

I'm tired of things being exaggerated, blown out of proportion for our own good. The talking heads, and leaders always go to the extremes. And soon we won't be able to take a measurement ourselves.

Give them an inch and they will take a mile. But they will tell us they have only taken an inch. And they will issue us, our new rulers and tell us to measure ourselves.

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